Saturday, June 8, 2019

Prodigal Blogger


It's 2019, June 8th, Saturday, almost noon.

Sweet Ray continues to enthusiastically suggest ways to get me out of the house. For some reason, I'm resisting the trip to a garage sale and running errands to Sam's. This feels more like a hidey-hole day, a day where I surround myself with quiet and mindful distractions like reading, updating my replacement iPhone, and, of course, blogging.

All of a sudden, I have this gift of time. Well, it's more of an illusory gift. It seems to be here, but while I "wile away the hours" other deadlines will eventually grow more obvious. But for now... time.

Retirement. I've recently, like eleven days ago, retired. Not actually retired like I'm not going to ever work again. I've retired from teaching in the classroom... from a job I thought I would enjoy for the rest of my life. There is so much to say about that. Too much for this first blog back. But I mention it now, because the time I'm wallowing in right now, is also about identity. Not exactly, who am I now? But more like, who I am and who I think you think I am are part of this fluid movement, and isn't this interesting?

It's been over four years since last I blogged. And it had been over two years before that. Still, I have eleven followers. And four check-ins to my Blog in the last month. It can only be up from here.

Paidrig O'Tauma, one of my favorite poets and interviewee on, said (I think he was quoting someone else),
"Here is a powerful stranger." 
Well, Here I Am. Just me and this powerful stranger. And now you. You are here too.


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